Happy Friday. It’s been a long week, and a long year!

Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Emotionally exhausted? Join the club! Life is challenging enough without a global pandemic and a divisive election cycle. We’re all feeling isolated and divided.

The good news is, there’s something you can do about it.

Join me in early 2021 and begin a journey to a better you by incorporating the the Benson-Henry (BHI) Institute’s PART (Positivity Relaxation Training) Program into your personal and professional life. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for upcoming information on individual and corporate training.

Since 2006, the Benson-Henry Institute (BHI) has been integrating the field of mind/body medicine into Massachusetts General Hospital’s clinical care, research and training programs. The mission of BHI is to fully integrate mind body medicine into mainstream healthcare at the Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as throughout the country and the world, by means of rigorous, evidence-based research and clinical application of this work.

The goal is to make Mind Body Medicine an integral aspect of our health care system, which increasingly recognizes the importance of disease prevention through self care and healthy lifestyle choices.

The techniques are easy, and there’s no right or wrong. All you need is an open mind. If I can do it, anyone can! The following video illustrates how to incorporate a ten-minute sit into your routine, and my FAQ offers additional information.

Life is short; make an investment in yourself and your employees in 2021. I hope to “see” you in this supportive virtual community this winter!